"Brought in 6 yards of dirt to level out the build site."

"Trenched for 8" wide / 16" deep perimeter beam with two #4 (0.5") rebars."

"Six trips to the hardware store for concrete to not overload the truck."

"One brutal day with help from the neighbor and the concrete is poured! "

"Getting everything inspected by the foreman."

"Landscape fabric above the dirt. "

"Pea gravel added so moisture can go into the ground."

"Looped PVC through the foundation to supply water inside."

"The metal frame starts going up!"

"Added the roof frame and cross braces."

"Added the top ridge ornamental and back louvre window. "

"Adding roof glass."

"Completed the side glass!"

"Progress on the sliding door and nice shot of the glass."

"Double sliding doors installed and adding in the larger shelf."

"Testing the water system - it doesn't mist, it rains in there."

"Finished from the side!"

"Finished from the back!"