Showroom Open:
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Weekends by Appointment
16001 Impact Way
Pflugerville, TX 78660
You may use the Janssens Greenhouse Configurator online tool to create a greenhouse that meets your needs by specifying dimensions, panel materials, adding optional doors and windows in various locations, and viewing available finishes. The tool allows you to save your design as a printable PDF, or you may have a link to the design emailed to you.
The Greenhouse Configurator Tool is a great way to explore the many options available for Janssens greenhouses. Once you've created your dream greenhouse, save your design as a link or PDF, then get in touch with us at (512) 407-8500 Ext 701 and we'll create a pricing quote for your specific design.
NOTE: Due to high demand and global supply chain issues, the lead time for customized greenhouse models from Janssens is 5-6 months. We will update this notice when there are any changes in lead times.
Janssens produces a wide array of standard model greenhouses which may be available immediately or with shorter lead time than a fully custom configured model. For more information on these standard models view any of links below. Call (512) 407-8500 Ext 701 for pricing/shipping info. You may also find the unit you would like in stock at one or more of our retailers.