Where to Place Your Victorian Green House

victorian green house

If the idea of a Victorian green house conjures up visions of a garden escape, you’re not alone. These timeless structures are more than just beautiful; they offer a unique combination of traditional charm and functional design. When placed thoughtfully in your garden, a Victorian greenhouse can provide the perfect environment for your plants to thrive. With high ceilings and ornate details, they’re the ultimate choice for those who want both form and function and pay homage to a bygone time.

Why Choose a Victorian Green House?

What makes a Victorian greenhouse stand out among other options? Unlike modern or polycarbonate greenhouses, they usually have a pitched roof, many have finials, and can feature large, expansive glass panels that let in maximum sunlight. The glass allows your plants to bask in natural light from all angles, which is essential for growth. Plus, the vintage style adds a touch of character to your garden space.

While owning a Victorian greenhouse can provide the edge to gardening by providing a controlled environment, there are no guarantees you’ll have a green thumb or be able to nurture finicky plants or crops without any challenges.

There are lots of factors that should be considered if you plan on becoming the master of your greenhouse space.

First and foremost, location is everything. Carefully planning this before purchasing can help ensure your happiness and success, whether you choose a Victorian greenhouse or a traditional style.

Find the Perfect Spot for Your Victorian Greenhouse

To maximize prosperity from your plants, you should aim to place your greenhouse with the ridge running from East to West. This exposure means your plants will happily bask in sunlight all day, which is necessary for colorful blooms, healthy foliage, and for bearing fruits.

Worried about sensitive plants? Shading solutions can help solve that as can aftermarket tinting. There is solar film that can be applied later to the glass, or greenhouse whitewash paint- something like Kool Ray Liquid Shade. This is painted on the greenhouse and wears off over the spring/summer with the weather. Creative greenhouse owners can also partition areas of their space with plants needing more or less sunlight and arrange what grows there as needed. There’s also shade cloth and exhaust fans to help control indoor temps.

Keep in mind a glasshouse like those from the Janssens Victorian or Alton’s Cedar greenhouses are excellent in cold weather but can heat up quickly in the summertime when temps soar, especially in southern climates. Even with proper ventilation and shade, glasshouses can be too warm to grow comfortably in mid to late summer. Sometimes they are best for extending the growing season, overwintering, and having an outdoor space for other leisure activities.

More to Consider

Not only is the exposure a major factor in determining greenhouse placement you’ll also need to think about the ground below. Your greenhouse should be placed on level footing. This will help reduce site preparation and help ensure you have the best base. Unlevel ground means your doors may not close properly or fit together.

Need power to your greenhouse? Think about your utilities, too. You may consider laying conduits under your foundation to power your exhaust fan, intake vent, lighting, and heater. And you should consider installing water lines. A greenhouse situated closer to the home can offset some of the costs of bringing in power and water.

Last, even though trees can be helpful and serve as a natural shading source, they’ll also block natural sunlight, which some plants need to thrive. In hotter climates trees can be useful, but falling limbs can damage your greenhouse, so keep that in mind.

Need Help?

With proper consideration, you can find the perfect location for your greenhouse. Exaco distributes European and Victorian greenhouses for all types property owners. Contact our team if you have any questions about ideal site placement or for more assistance selecting the best greenhouse for your needs.

Whether it’s a Victorian greenhouse or a modern outdoor structure, where you put it makes all the difference.


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